AI is everywhere these days, but are we using it in the right way?

As someone who tries to write everyday, there are certain tasks I just don't want to do. Research, create outlines, order notes, find images and upload and format my writing.

For some of these I am already using AI tools. I wrote some scripts and generally setup my system so it does the boring bits for me.

I haven't automated everything - yet - but the barrier to write has been lowered significantly, because I enjoy what I do.

I'm not only using AI for my writing, there are lots of other areas too. Setting up reminders, timers etc, but the biggest boost to my happiness relates around how I use AI for my writing.

1. AI as Your Personal Assistant: Simplify Your Workload

If I was a bestselling author, I would have an assistant doing research for me. Collecting background material, references, case studies and then collect them and present them to me.

My assistant would also structure my day, create a schedule for me and possibly keep me on track. She would do everything so that I could focus on what creates the most value: writing.

This is how I want to use AI and you can too.

To start I recommend you create a list with the things that annoy. Where is the undifferentiated heavy lifting happening in your life and career. Once you identified what it is, you can think about automating it.

2. Automate the Mundane: Free Up Time for What Matters

Do not automate or use AI for the activities that spark joy! Only use it for mundane, that which annoys you and prevents you from doing the joyful.

Therefore next list I want you to create is a list of things that spark joy!

This could be playing video games, writing, drawing, going outside. Within these, think about what you don't like doing or what takes away from your enjoyment.

I.e. if you love playing video games, do you really like searching for a new game? Or do you just like playing a new one? If you like drawing, do you always have new ideas and don't have an issue finding new things to draw, techniques to try?

Write the bits that you do not like, on the list of things that annoy you.

3. Smart Decision-Making: How AI can help you with the mundane?

With the list of items/activities/tasks that annoy you, you can start to look for the right tool to help you with these.

First, just use a web based chat tool like ChatGPT. Create the right prompt and see how far you get with that. Only invest 10 minutes each time before you want to do something that creates joy.

Fine-tune and optimize it next time to improve little by little.

You don't want to spend all your time on the system! You want to just use a little bit of time and then keep focus on doing what you love.

I.e. I use AI to help me come up with new ideas to write about in case I run out of ideas. I use it to create an outline, as I hate starting with a blank page. Most of the time I delete everything that is generated, but it helps me get started and cross the barrier!

Your Action Items

  1. List what annoys you
  2. List what sparks joy
  3. Invest 10 minutes and start to automate the first part

Tagged in:

productivity, writing

Last Update: August 12, 2024