Hey there friends!

Have you ever imagined what they'd say about you once you're gone? It sounds grim, but writing your own obituary might be a wild productivity hack. It’s like looking into the future, to make your present count. I discovered this tool during my training as an Executive Coach and have used it myself, as well as having clients use it. The tool can have a profound effect on you, and it certainly helps put things into perspective.

It’s a Tool for Clarity

Dive into self-reflection by thinking of your end. It's not about the end itself, but what you’d want said about your journey. This isn't a tale of sorrow. It’s about clarity. Seeing the bigger picture often narrows down our focus on the present. It helps you get a fresh lens, a new perspective. You know those moments when you’re drowning in to-dos? This tool can help prioritise what truly matters. By mapping out the finale, you're actually defining the plot of your entire story. What adventures do you want told? What feats celebrated? What do you really want to focus on?

Did You Know? Benjamin Franklin wrote his own epitaph at 22, aiming to "live in a way that they'd speak well of you."

Hacking Productivity

Considering your legacy reshapes your present. It's like setting the GPS for a destination, ensuring you take the most scenic route. Knowing your endgame? It's like a cheat code for productivity. You stop sweating the small stuff and invest energy where it counts. When I tackled this task, it was a revelation! It became my compass, guiding my daily decisions and actions. It was my roadmap and guided my 10 year plan which I then broke down even further. Instead of lofty goals, I created smaller, meaningful steps. Instead of "write a bestseller," it was "write 30 minutes daily." My blog and newsletter are a result of that exercise.

Amplifying Focus

Jotting down your legacy, will feel bizarre. You might be afraid to start it. This is the sign that you actually should do it as it will bring you extreme value. Amidst writing and thinking about those lines, you find the dots that need connecting in your current life.

Now let’s be real. This isn't about predicting the future. It's about illuminating your present. If something doesn’t fit your legacy, maybe it doesn’t belong in your daily routine? In my obituary draft, there were tales of mentorship, lifelong learning, and sharing knowledge. It made me re-evaluate how I share and what I learn.

Your legacy shapes your to-do list, ensuring you're ticking off what aligns with the grand vision, not just the urgent. Like a productivity GPS, your obituary draft keeps you from detours. You're on a highway, with pit stops that truly enrich the journey.

How it is done

Here are the steps to follow for the exercise of writing your own obituary:

  1. Imagine yourself at the end of your life.
  2. Think about what you want to be remembered for.
  3. Write down what you would like people to say about you at your funeral or after you pass away.
  4. Be specific about the accomplishments, relationships, and experiences that are most important to you.
  5. Use this information as a guide for how you want to live your life going forward, making decisions that align with your values and goals.

By visualising the end and what you want to be said about you, you gain clarity on what truly matters to you. This exercise can help you prioritise your time and energy on what is most important and fulfilling to you.


Productivity isn't just about doing more; it's about doing what resonates. The obituary exercise? It's a cheat code to discern the vital from the trivial. Embrace it, and you're not just living; you're thriving on purpose.

Your Actions:

  1. Draft that legacy! See where it guides your daily grind.
  2. Tweak your to-do list based on your obituary's highlights.
  3. Share the strategy. A touch of introspection might be the boost someone needs.

Until next time,


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Last Update: August 27, 2023