My guide to produce more content

I fell out of my writing habit. It just happened. Sure I have a lot of excuses why I stopped. I was using my writing time in the morning for something else and then ... blablabla.

In the end it doesn't matter why I stopped, the issue is: I failed to start again.


I got lazy and broke one of my rules: consume less than I produce! So let me unbreak the spell by diving into the topic.

Why creating beats consuming: The power of original content

There are a lot of ideas and topics I want to write about. I get in trouble when I research what is already out there! I spend so much time and get less and less excited about my own ideas. I forget my own perspective trying to fit into the smalls gaps the internet has left for me.

In the pursuit to create something new I fall into the trap of trying to figure out what is already there!

Then if I still have an ounce of motivation left to create, I become like ChatGPT and just regurgitate what is there already. That removes the magic for me. I don't enjoy it. When I create without consuming, I am free and I can fly. My ideas can spread onto the page and take up room!

I realized: consumption leads to the death of my inner creator.

My one strategy for consistent content creation

It all starts in the morning for me. I've written about my morning habits before and might do it again, but the key element that had changes was that I stopped writing in my dedicated morning pages journal.

Why you ask? I know I preached how awesome it is and powerful etc ...

The reason is simple. It was full! All 500 glorious pages of it. Sure I have new ones, they are exactly the same and I could just have started there. But if you journal as well, you know how hard it is to start in a new journal, to face the blank page as a writer.

Not dumping my brain in the morning seems to create a blockage and prevent me from writing properly the rest of the day! So my top strategy is to get back into it and write my morning pages.

Tools and tips for getting back to writing and publishing online

Another trap I fell into was the system trap. Since I had stopped things have changed and some of my tools didn't work anymore. That prevented me from doing what I love most: writing!

I hate to upload content, check spelling and grammar, to publish, to edit ... create images, tags and all that sort of stuff!

You wonder, how was I able to write and publish one article per day before? I had a system setup! Scripts and tools that did the dirty work for me and I could focus on having ideas and writing! However, software and tools always change. Some things started to become wonky and stopped working.

I also tried and improve my writing. One tip per week. And I was fuzzing over the right workflow.

Then I decided to get get over myself. I'm telling myself, no one will read this anyhow! What difference does it make if it is perfectly edited vs just getting it out there and getting back into the habit ...

My Action Items:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define what I want to achieve with my online writing.
  2. Create a Content Calendar: Plan my topics and deadlines to maintain consistency. Keep it light!
  3. Use Writing Tools: Leverage digital tools to enhance your productivity and quality.

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Last Update: July 25, 2024